If you decide to obtain it, it is worth buying a large field (at least 1 ha). 0 Forage Wagons mods for Farming Simulator 2015 will ease your game. Can you sell straw bales in Farming Simulator 2019? However, you can only use auger wagons. About Fs19 John Deere Cotton Harvester Auger wagons for Farming Simulator 2017, page 11.
If you are not founding for Fs19 Mods Modhub, simply found out our info below : Search: John Deere Cotton Harvester Fs19. Farming simulator 17 auger wagon behind harvesterĪm I misreading the description of auger wagons, or is there a key I need to press for the auger wagon to accept the grain, or does it not accept anything from harvesters? The auger wagon in question is the Bromar MBT 150 that I downloaded from the mod hub.